About Me


I am Rawia Liverpool and I believe in change. People can change and situations can change.


I am Rawia, an Arabic name given to me by my Lebanese dad. Rawia means a female storyteller. Coincidentally stories are at the heart of my work as a coach and counsellor. As my client, I listen compassionately to your stories. especially the stories you tell yourself about your self-worth, self-esteem, identity and sense of belonging. I also, once upon a time, had such stories to tell. These stories are powerful and unconsciously direct how you live your life.

Together I explore these stories with you. We reflect on whether the stories are empowering or disempowering? Do they reflect your authentic self or adapted self? Do they belong in the past or the present? Are these stories your own narrative or have they been imposed on you by someone else?

Our work together will bring self-awareness followed by action to create change, so the stories become ones of thriving instead of just surviving.

So if you are here because you feel stuck, as if life offers you little options.

Or you feel stagnant, unmotivated and lacking in energy to go on.

Or you feel unhappy, dissatisfied and unable to move forward.

Or you lost your sense of purpose or feel as if you are not living and working to the best of your potential.

Or you suffer from unfounded extreme emotions of sadness, anger, anxiety or fear.

Or you feel lost and confused and have no sense of purpose.

Then I am the right coach and counsellor to support you in bringing about change.

Change can be scary. Change can be difficult and painful. However change is often necessary and always possible. Most importantly, change can bring about joy and fulfilment. I am passionate about working with people to support and guide them towards better mental health and emotional well-being.

I am a certified  Transactional Analysis (TA) counsellor, and a Master Practitioner of NLP, based in The Hague. I have been living in The Netherlands since 2001.

I started Recipes4Change in 2012. Here I assist clients in achieving the positive changes they want in their lives, personally and professionally. I employ what I have experienced on a personal level and what I have studied to support clients in dealing with various issues: learning to do away with or manage fears or anxieties; raising self-esteem and confidence; achieving goals; becoming aware and letting go of limiting beliefs; improving relationships and communication, improving parenting skills or generally adapting better to change and having a positive outlook on life.

“The only thing that is constant is Change.”

— Heraclitus

Being of mixed background (Lebanon/Ghana) and having relocated several times in my life time, means that I am multi-lingual (English/Arabic/Dutch), and multi-cultural, with a deep understanding of issues relating to big life transitions, discrimination, identity and belonging. Before training to become a coach and a counsellor I worked as a pharmacist for many years, then as a special needs assistant at the British School in the Netherlands, and later as a project manager at ACCESS Netherlands, as well as holding several volunteer positions in the UK, Oman and NL.

I consider the years spent working in various countries and interacting with people of different cultural backgrounds an enrichment to my life. Moreover, it has helped me gain invaluable insight into the challenges that face mobile families. What I have learnt and experienced through NLP and TA has had a huge positive impact on my life and I am passionate about sharing it with others in the hope that it will also impact their lives in the same way.