What Is Transactional Analysis?


Transactional Analysis has been defined by The International Transactional Analysis Association as, “ a theory of personality and a systematic psychotherapy for personal growth and personal change.”

Ian Stewart and Vann Joines, in their book TA Today published in 2012, expand this definition further and write the following:

“As a theory of personality, TA gives us a picture of how people are structured psychologically. To do so it uses a three-part model known as the ego-state model. The same model helps us understand how people function–how they express their personality in terms of behaviour.

TA also provides a theory of communication. This can be extended to give a method of analysing systems and relationships, both in personal life and in work situations.

TA offers a theory of child development. The concept of life-script explains how our present life patterns originated in childhood. Within the framework of life-script, TA develops explanations of how we may continue to re-play childhood strategies in grown-up life, even when these produce results that are self-defeating or painful. Thus TA gives us a theory of psychopathology.

In the area of practical applications, TA does indeed offer us a system of psychotherapy. It is used in the treatment of all types of psychological disorders, from everyday living problems to severe psychosis. It provides a method of therapy for use with individuals, groups, couples and families.

Outside the therapeutic field, TA is used in educational settings. It helps teachers and learners to stay in clear communication and avoid setting up unproductive confrontations. It is particularly suitable for use in counselling.

TA is a powerful tool in management and communications training and in organisational analysis. Among the many other applications of TA are its uses by social workers, police and probation authorities, and ministers of religion. TA can be used in any field where there is a need for understanding of individuals, relationships and communication.”

Muriel James, in her book Born To Win, describes Transactional Analysis as “a rational approach to understanding behaviour and is based on the assumption that all individuals can learn to trust themselves, think for themselves, make their own decisions, and express their feelings. Its principles can be applied on the job, in the home, in the classroom, in the neighbourhood-wherever people deal with people.”

You can get more information on TA by reading my blog here: What Influences Your Communication?