All tagged phobia

Do you suffer from anxiety, fear or panic attacks?

Why is it that so many people suffer from anxiety? The majority of my clients come to me to resolve issues directly or indirectly related to fear, anxiety and some times panic attacks. Whether it is worrying about an upcoming presentation or exam, getting on a plane, performing on stage or at an interview, giving birth, dying and leaving a family behind, getting the next promotion…

The NLP Fast Phobia Cure

The fast phobia cure is an NLP technique that is quick and effective for overcoming phobias and unpleasant feelings associated with trauma. Richard Bandler and John Grinder, the founders of NLP, developed it in 1976. At that time the fast phobia cure was called V-K Dissociation process, as the process removes the feeling (K) from the visual (V) stimulus that triggers the unconscious phobic response.