All in NLP

Presenting Magically With NLP

Recently, I was at a Connecting Women meeting  
This is an organisation that holds a meeting once a month and gives the opportunity for women from all kinds of backgrounds to come together to share, network and inspire each other. As a member I was given the opportunity to showcase my NLP work. I had ten minutes in which I could provide a glimpse of what I do with NLP. I chose to do a brief mental exercise, which I hoped would simply arouse my audience’s curiosity. I am happy to say that my short presentation went well and conjured the enthusiasm I was hoping for.

The NLP Fast Phobia Cure

The fast phobia cure is an NLP technique that is quick and effective for overcoming phobias and unpleasant feelings associated with trauma. Richard Bandler and John Grinder, the founders of NLP, developed it in 1976. At that time the fast phobia cure was called V-K Dissociation process, as the process removes the feeling (K) from the visual (V) stimulus that triggers the unconscious phobic response.

Exam Fever

If you happen to have a son or daughter sitting their last year of school, you will know that at the moment IB students are almost done with their exams and A level students will soon be on their study leave. Yes. Exam fever is here.

Does your son or daughter suffer from exam fever?
Do they get stressed, nervous and even have panic attacks, as the exam date gets nearer? 

The Meaning of Communication

People come from different backgrounds and hence use different languages, have different values, display different attitudes and have different perceptions of the world around them. With that in mind it is quite possible that as humans communicate with each other they often run into disagreements, misunderstandings or miscommunications.

Your Recipe For a Successful Interview

While reading a section in The NLP Cookbook by Fran Burgess, I was reminded of a personal experience that took place some years ago. I was working as a Basic Grade Pharmacist at St Thomas’s Hospital, London. I had been working there for a couple of years and an opportunity for a promotion came up. I went for it and I was competing with three other internal staff members whom I thought stood a much better chance than myself at getting the job. I stuck with it regardless and went through the interview, which despite my nerves, I thought went reasonably well. A couple of days later I was called to the head office and informed that I was successful at getting the position. Naturally, I was over the moon!

Recipes For Change

Recipes. Do they only relate to the food we eat? In my experience as a pharmacist, mother and now a Master practitioner of NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy, recipes play an important role in our lives. I would like to share with you the most important recipes of all: Recipes for Change.

My friends tell me that I am a reasonably good cook. That is surprising as I vividly recall the first ever recipe that I attempted to cook. It was for Jellof Rice, the Ghanaian answer to risotto. Needless to say, it went horribly wrong and the flat in Earl’s Court, where I lived at the time, stank for days!