5 Questions That Will Support Your Journey Of Change

Many of us, in our quest for self-development, personal growth and change, embark on courses, coaching packages, counseling sessions, therapy and more. However we all know that change can be difficult and as we are creatures of habit, acquiring new habits and new healthier patterns of behaviour can be challenging. When it comes to our journey of change, we may resist, self-sabotage, distract from or give up altogether on our attempts at transforming ourselves.

 What can we do to support our work towards self-development? How can we ensure that we follow through and stay on the path towards growth and change? What can keep us motivated when the going gets tough? How can we prevent ourselves from throwing in the towel and giving up on ourselves?

 Below are some questions to ask yourself and reflect upon that may be helpful. Answering those questions forms a contract, not with another, but a contract with yourself that you can adhere to and honour. I was introduced to this concept of making a contract, during my Transactional Analysis studies and I found it extremely helpful.  

 Let me share it with you.

 Get a piece of paper or a notebook and answer the following five questions as honestly as you can. Do this exercise, when you are about to embark on a programme or any kind of work that is towards your self-development, and that will involve you making profound changes in your life. Take time to reflect after each question and then write your answers down.

 These are the 5 questions to ask yourself:

 1      What do I want to change for myself by doing this work or being on this programme and why?

Answering this question will help you identify your needs and wants and clarify the reasons or purpose that is igniting your need for change. It helps you to see the benefits clearly and fires up your passion and your feelings of excitement. You need to know what you want before you can seek it.

 2      What steps do I need to take to achieve this?

This helps you identify what you already have at your disposal and what you are lacking by way of skills, knowledge or support. Maybe you need to organize childcare in order to be available for certain course dates for example and set the right environment for you to focus. . It can also help break the task down into smaller more achievable bite size pieces and thus reduce overwhelm.

 3      How will I know when I’ve made this change? And how will others know?

This is an important question because if you don’t know how the change you are seeking will look like, sound like or feel like, then you will not know when you have achieved it. It also creates a momentum towards a vision of the future that you want. Is it about demonstrating a change of behaviour in certain situations, or about mastering a new way of communicating and relating, or perhaps about managing stress better?

 4      How will I sabotage myself and what steps can I put in place to prevent this?

This will bring into your awareness the negative patterns of thinking or behaving that you have engaged in in the past, that got in the way of achieving what you want. It can also alert you to any obstacles that might stand in your way. Once you identify these patterns or obstacles then you can notice them early when they creep up and have some preventative ways planned ahead of how to manage them.

 5      How will I celebrate the success of change and with whom?

We often neglect this last step, which is extremely important. We must allow time and space to celebrate our successes, however small, instead of brushing them off and rushing into our next project. Take a pause and enjoy the moment with those that love you and support you. Plan a date for a party or a few days away to mark the successful end.

 Once you are done with this exercise, I suggest that you keep this piece of writing somewhere safe and re-visit it every time you feel that your motivation is waning or when the going gets tough.

 If you would like to explore this sort of work further then do get in touch and take advantage of my 15 minutes free call.




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